Boil! & # 39; Shark Lakes & # 39; watch the nets' Thunderbolt Castle & # 39; Thai League battle


"Shark Lake" Chonburi FC is fine. The opening of the house of "Sergeant" Buriram United in the Thai League football match of 2018 True Four and True Sports HD 2 shot live to watch the first time at seven o'clock. "Elephant Battalion" Suphan Buri FC found "Blue Dolphin" Pattaya United, "Taken water" Navy found the "Dragon King" Ratchaburi Mitrphol FC and "per destroyers" PT. The Air Force Central FC of True Visions shot live on all the couples …

The match of the Thai Football League in 2018 Sunday, July 22nd is 24th. From the season, there are 4 pairs of the Suphanburi FC 12th team. Suphan Buri Open Stadium for the visit of the United Pattaya team 11th at the table at 19.00 Pure Sport 2 live broadcast "Elephant Battle" under the supervision of the team of 3, "Blue Dolphins "is not defeated in the league for 3 consecutive games.

Supatta Ong Thong, the United Pattaya team said that we would leave the captain of the quarterback team. e I must admit that Suphanburi. It's a difficult game. They have a difficult game to play at home. Our goal is to keep at least 1 point, because now every point is very important to escape.

At the same time Chonburi FC's 7th team of the table will play at the Chonburi stadium meet "" Buriram United "at 19h Truly Four and True Sports HD 2 live broadcast" Shark Lakes "works well The last 5 games n + 39 have lost only one game.The last game against Ratchaburi Mitr Phol FC came 1-1, "Castle Lightning" hot form after winning the league match four consecutive games and scored a point in the 39, team 2 True Bangkok United The 9 points

by "Big G" Jeerasak Joom Thong Director of Marketing and Media Chonburi FC said that this game we have no lump sum penalty. also chronic and painful players, Nalapol Malapan, halfback and Sutan Pong in the second half, and the other with Buriram

Siri Chaiyamoto, the deputy director of Buriram United We also have injured players both National Prosperity and Saraswai: Visit to Chonb uri doing a good job is difficult. This Sunday we have to get full and try to stop the game offensive in Chonburi.

The other two programs the same day the Navy meet the Ratchaburi Mitrphan FC from 18:00 to 5 km Sattahip. Sport 6 Live) and PT Intercontinental FC meet Air Force Central FC from 18h at Three Bay Stadium (True Sports HD and True Sports 7 live). Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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