10 shit movies! Ebony but brilliant


Great! Many people complain about boredom. This year's Thai movie is still quite slow. A quality film to penetrate the screen is difficult. There are only a few who really look. It's a good movie. Sorry to annoy him. . I will take the time to see the quality of the film. The piercing heart. The story reflects the decline in various areas. Of the top 10 movies that are. Should be interesting to consider.

Citizen Juling

The best director in the world. View User Profile Send Private Message When the teacher has been beaten to death. Reflect on violence. In the three southern provinces were wide and deep. Very scary It is a film that the chief of the Thai Prime Minister's army must see, the Thais must see to find a solution together. Resolving chronic diseases in three southern border provinces To be serious and continuous. For the peace of Thailand we [69] [69] joke 69 (6ixtynin9)

. I sent it to the soup of stars. Proof that's the real mother. Reflections on the degenerate society Blood donors do not only care about money. Another social structural problem.

Body Body # 19

Puripicha Panyaphat Golf Paver is not ordinary. Do not be afraid to see people do not forget. The horror in psychological research. Mental retardation The burial was decisively broken the screen. So look at the depressed mood of the authentic. All actors commit hundreds of millions. Play cool.

Shutter Closes the Soul. (Panel)

Tung Banjoon Piyananakul Open the new dimension of ghosts that people must remember about death. Make Thai film on the neck. The phenomenon of the Earth. The film is another ghost. Thai and foreign fans are very scared but they like to go out with a lot of recruits. (The Devil Art)

Khun Kong Kham Siri Kham Making a horror movie house The plot looks plain horribly horribly different. Reflecting the decline of the people's actions. I need to find the night. I have a lot of good things to say. Because she sends the power of teachers.

the evil in the sky (Eternity)

Mom Momentum Tung Poevegul, director of the veteran. I love the passion of the human dilemma. It hurts painfully. We learned that. The love is very hurt. When love dies. He became destructive of one for the other. No, love will not hurt, but it will be difficult to suppress the thirst for heat from the chest.

The Farewell Flowers

Noui Anucha Boonyavatana, the gay director who made gay movies in the corner of consciousness. Take a pilgrimage Affection and death I have a strange and fortunate lull. We have seen the truth of the decline of the true love life. One day, we all die. One day, sooner or later … the love we think belongs to us.

Shakespeare Must Die

Director of Shakespeare Must Die Crush the power of cast. The distribution may not be unknown. But Inner is playful. The most important part is that the script has a strong script. Thieves The movie has been banned! For many years, I believe that someday, the Thai people will have a light. With democracy in Thailand This film is intense.

Smart Player (Bad Genius)

Basan Wut Poon Piriya, the director of the very strong. The Thai movie is slow. Back to the burning interest of the world. Bad luck But it's a pure skill. The decline of the education system. I have been exposed to extreme excitement. Expectations Most importantly, Chutima's heroine is incredibly talented. I'm going to make people create a fort.

My Hero (How to Win to Checker Every Time)

Josh Kim, Superintendent of Korea Pulling Down Many Shapes. The Thai society we know as cheating, the military, drug sales, mafia, etc. to tell the story is very accessible. Both men are the same kind of hero and jinjana play well together. Because we live. It's hard to choose a path. It's hard to control everything, I have to wait the next time Josh Kim will find the right chapter! This shot! I will come back to the Thai movie. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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