The tropical storm "Surin" landslide Vietnam drowned 20 people lost 16 people: PPTVHD36


The number of deaths from the influence of tropical storm "Shen Tan" blowing over northern Vietnam. Since last week.

  The tropical storm
The tropical storm "Serenity" killed Vietnam, drowning 20 people lost 16

Influence of tropical storm "Shenant" the third storm that hit Vietnam this year. Also causes thunderstorms. Floods and heavy landslides across the country. This includes Hanoi. Capital of Vietnam

The image of local media reveals a strong flood in remote areas. Villagers must have high feathers. And use the boat to walk around. The latest death toll has reached at least 20, wounded 14 and still lost 16.

Report of the National Commission on According to the agency of search and rescue of Vietnam, there are now more than 5,000 homes flooded by flood victims, most of them submerged. Some were swept away by the tides or collapsed, while more than 500,000 were damaged by farmland and nearly 17,000 were killed by floods.

The Vietnam Disaster Management Board There will be another storm for at least 2-3 days.

For the monsoon season in Vietnam C is from June to November, last year. People in Vietnam died of natural disasters to 389 people, while the value of damage reached more than 80 billion.

Heatwaves also The number of deaths in Japan raises to 30 people

Japan Division The temperature high measured early last week was 40.7 degrees Celsius, the highest in five years, and the temperature in Kyoto exceeded the record. 38 degrees Celsius for 7 consecutive days, which has never happened before. Since the last meteorological statistics

. Japan Meteorological Agency Must issue a warning to the public to drink enough water. To prevent dehydration. The number of deaths in hot weather has risen to at least 30 and there are tens of thousands of patients in the hospital.

The Ministry of Education sends a warning letter to all schools. To stop outdoor activities in this period. Do not affect the health of children. The 6 year old student from Aichi died of sunburn. After the field activities

While Internet users share the phenomenon of heat. Whether showing the ham on the roof. Or even put a fresh egg 1 packets on the front of the car all day. And it is cooked to become boiled eggs

for the heat wave that occurs. This is a major obstacle to finding the biggest flood disaster in the country in 36 years, which has killed more than 200 people.

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