The army and police of Chiang Rai excuse a 10 kg ice truck 343 kg in the middle of the night, with seven defendants, the commander of Region 3 will be announced today
at 3:00 pm on July 23rd. .61 Tactical Rangers 3104, 3rd Battalion, Royal Cliff City Combined with 8th Battalion, 3rd Regiment and Police. Arrested 7 people with a car, 1 van and 1 Toyota van (knocked down on the island of 1020). Each pack contains 24 bags, each pack contains 19 bags and each bag contains 193 bags.
. New Development – Coordinates PhayaPopPak PB 360988 arrested 7 people were 1. Mr. SunthornDaddy aged 46 195 Moo 2, Peakai District, Khon Kaen. Mr. Yoo Sa Sa Soo, age 32 51/2 Moo 9, Por Por, Wiang Kaen, Chiang Rai 3 Mr. Dee Saeng, 30, 61 Moo 12, Tungkruai District, Phu Sang District, Phayao Province 4 Mr. Chonnas Saeax Vacuum Age 26 299 Moo 6, Nan Sub District, Nan District, Nan, Thailand
5. Mr. Piyat Pattanirin, 25 years old 196 Moo 9, Sop Phang District, Phu Sang District, Phayao Province 6. MA (Assumption), 20, Nan and 7 years old. MB (Assumption) 15-year-old house in Phayao, then detained to investigate the expansion and General Wichak Siriprabhum, 15 hours will be the chairman of the press conference 3 Mengrai Maharaj camps. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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