Crisis! Greek forest fire I do not know what to say.


BBC Reports on Progress in Forest Fires Around the Capital from Athens, Greece, said that at least 50 people were killed, of whom 26 were found dead in the village. What is the center of the disaster. Before the official death toll, 24 officers said that the search and rescue operations of 10 tourists had fled into the lifeboat. More than a hundred firefighters shoot firefighters in the area. To the police And the agencies. At the request of foreign aid Alexis Seaspar, leader of Greece. To do everything possible. As we can control. The victim of fire. Prime Minister Tsipras declared the state of emergency in Attica, where the government has asked the help of other European countries to send helicopters and helicopters. Firefighters to help deal with a fire. Italy, Germany, Poland and France have sent aid in the form of aircraft, vehicles and firefighters. But with rising temperatures, help has stopped.

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