Lao People's Democratic Republic Fast boat to help evacuate villagers. In the Sattahip district, at the end of the floods, flood victims. After dam break As the water level continues to increase.
On July 24, 61, the news agency abc laos news ຊີ ນັກ ຂ່າວ ເອ ບີ ຊີ Progress report on the two tanks of the Sepian-Seine En Att in Construction Cracks As a result, l & # 39; massive influx of water flooded public houses. There are many casualties in the city of Sarasin, in the district of Atapip, in the southeast of the Lao People's Democratic Republic. On Monday, July 23, 1965, at approximately 1 pm on July 24, officials rushed to help the people trapped in the house. At Sattahip district, Atapu, while the water level has continued to increase. As reported Chai Buri Dam Accelerate the release of water from dams There are about 100 staff members
Thanks – Image: Facebook Abc Laos news
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