RATCH Thai holding 25% of hydroelectricity Explaining the dam in Laos


Ratchaburi Electricity Holding Holding PCL holds a 25% interest in the Xe-Pian Xe-Nam Xe hydroelectric power plant in Laos. The water flooded the public house. Caused by heavy rain Evacuate people to the shelter. Do not affect the electricity 62 …

On July 24, Ratchaburi Electricity Generation Holding Public Company Limited or RATCH, by Mr. Kij Sriyapatthakura Chairman The Thailand Stock Exchange (SET) informed the Thai Stock Exchange that It had received a notification from Xe-Pian Xe-Nam Noi Power Co., Ltd. (RATCH) that RATCH owns 25% of the shares of the Xe-Pian Xe-Nam Xe hydroelectric project. Located on the Champasak Road, Lao PDR, on July 23, Dam D dam, 8 meters wide, 770 meters long and 16 meters high, was built to complete the dam. The water around the water tank. Hydroelectric Power Project – Xe-Nam Regulation As a result, the dams in the basement cracked. And the water flows in the downstream area. And get off at Capernaum. It is about 5 kilometers from the dam site, partly because of heavy rains. The amount of water is about 600 million cubic meters. In the past,

Xe-Pian Xe Electricity Generating Co., Ltd. and other related agencies Residents of the surrounding area were evacuated for safety reasons to the shelter as expected. They also accelerated the assessment of the situation. In order to enter the emergency situation. When the amount of water in the dam decreases

for hydroelectric projects. Seats – less water Currently under construction. SK Engineering & Construction Company Limited (26%), Korea Western Power Company Limited (25%) and SPP Lao PDR 24% by Underwater Dam Part D is one of five sub-dams surrounding the hydroelectric dam main. The incident did not affect the main dam. It is believed that this will not affect the start date of the electricity supply in February 2062. Next, the construction companies will build another vehicle. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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