James Jansen Guaranty Lawyer Point Indicates When Not Important But debtors are wrong when debt …
Of the case of Vipassana teacher as guarantor of education to 60 students studied. But finally, betrayed more than half. The house is almost in debt. [Nouvelles] The last 60 students were confiscated.
On the other hand, James Nitthorn Kaewo revealed to Thairath Online. This is a very spiritual teacher. This is not the case. While the initial legal warranty. Sign a guarantee when it is not important.
"Because the guarantee agreement is only effective when the debtors have defaulted on their debts.Therefore, the debtors must see when the debt.If the debtor has defaulted after the execution of this law.Creditors must comply with the new statutory law of the year. "2558"
The new law guarantees a new year 2558 is 1. Do not use the word. & # 39; co-debtor & # 39; in the contract 2. The guarantee must write a limit. If no, limit the amount of the contract is
for. Redemption Order Due to loan agreement. It is written as a debt collector. But the new guarantee agreement does not include the words "Joint Debtor" in the guarantee agreement. If there is a waiver immediately. The result of the word debtors. Creditors have the right to choose who to hold before. As a result, the new law was promulgated. It's a debt that is forced to pay the debt, it's a hierarchy. It is obligatory to pay the debts of the debtor. If the debtor has no property to seize. The Guarantor's Secret
Another Case. If the debtor has defaulted. Creditors must notify the guarantor within 60 days, it is the creditor's responsibility. Because the law does not require the guarantor. Responsible for a lot of interest. If you know it will pay off before the interest is still low. Therefore, if the creditor does not tell the guarantor within 60 days, the creditor will only be entitled to an interest on the part of the guarantor for 60 days, the interest being ineligible .
In addition. Teachers can get rid of all students. I have to go back there. The default when it comes to debt. If the defects before the new law comes into force. Then there is the pursuit. But if the old law requires evidence before. You can not take the debt of the first class. If the guarantee of the guarantor without the right. May request the retraction. Until the detention of first-class debtors are satisfied, the court does not actually have it. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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