BNK48 BNK48 clarification instead of after the dramatic response to the terrible weight! (Clip)


Has the social world been touched after Orphan Chan's Jay Choti Or Or BNK48 or Ong's posted a response to a fan commentary on the story. This weight. "Answer, then the fourth year will graduate" and followed by smiling mouth emoticons

was criticized for answering the question of fans was bad. The reporter was interviewed during the launch of the "Samsung Galaxy 8" mobile phone at the M Gallery, M Shopping Center. Emma Watson

However, the girl was not interviewed because of the incident. This is the captain and group members. [Nouvelles] BNK48's second interview I saw him today, but I did not interview him. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] I have to hurry to go there. He said that it was a joke. He played, we played. I do not think so much. I do not think it will go far.

How strong he is. There are many currents that can attack.
. After that, I feel calm about the situation. And I think I can handle all the situations that I have.

See that the brother was in the room. We are the members. I think it's a lot more than we thought.
I do not think that happens. But he uses social media.

After that, the girls. Be careful when answering questions from fans. The more you
Dear Marian: We discussed it with the staff from time to time is not enough, we have lessons. [Image] "Do not cry" Our first documentary, BNK48

We filmed for a while. I do not know how long. Because Taeyeon keeps track of our lives every day. Come to us for the rehearsal. I have tried to film it from the camera phone camera really everything I dedicate to this work.
I will be at the theater on August 16th in the theaters of the country.

Have you seen the teaser?

Music: Very excited It's a film about us for the first time. We are very happy. To have a story about yourself

which is a story about the show. In what we communicate. I want everyone to have a chance to see.

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