Without borders! Israeli flying fighter, Syrian fighter Quote from:


The Israeli army fired Syrian fighters until the fall of the Golan Heights. On Tuesday, July 24, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) declared that the Syrian plane crashed. Produced by Russia. They entered Israeli airspace for a distance of about 2 km and used the "Patriot" air defense system to fire two intercepted rockets and the ammunition was dropped after their return to Syria. Then the IDF also revealed that the fighter was the Suk 22, or Zuc Hoi 24 and before the attack, they contacted Russia to confirm that the plane belonged to Syria. No Russia

The Syrian media have pointed out. The government jet aircraft carries out anti-terrorist missions. Before Israel fired a rocket. "An Israeli fighter fired one of our fighters while he was attacking a terrorist attack in Seda." The Al-Yakut Basin is one of the last regions in Syria that are not under the control of the President's government. Bashar – Assad in recent days.The Syrian army, supported by the Russian army, draws this space (F, B, E, V, N, T, S)
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