Parade of Buddhist monks – circulating around "The Royal Annunciation of the Five Elements"


Buddhist Ploenchit – circulating around relics. This is the first time we bring together the five generations to pay tribute to the special occasion of the Buddha …

On July 28, 61 journalists reported. People poured in Sanam Luang. 5 Periods From Dvaravati to Ratanakosin It is the first and the best time that has come together. Let Buddhists pay tribute to the prosperity of life. On the occasion of the special occasion of Buddhism and on the occasion of the 66th birthday of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej

. Also circulate around relics. According to religious belief is not different from the circular around the temple. At the same time, people also visit the exhibition. "Volunteer spirit who compiled the history of volunteering.And pictures from all over the country.Aparticularly the mission to help 13 lives a team of boars.C Cave Cave – Khun Nam Nang Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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