– Nipit – Wachara – Narathat & # 39; in front of the city & # 39; compressed.


"New Pichit" urged the army to argue a point of "Thaksin" still because of the military thinking of the pipeline, "Narapat" revealed the adults in the PPP aimed at pursuing the "city" . I hope to be Thailand while "Wachara" asked to come back or not. I want to go to the party in Thailand. So put a lie

On July 28, 61, Mr. Nipit Intarasombat, Deputy Leader of the Democratic Party, said that the case of Mr. Nakornchai, former MP, Democratic Party Phitsanulok I do not want to talk about the city. I have to leave the party for 10 years and then post-apocalyptic city post-apocalypse ex-PM. I do not know if he wants to go to the party or the Thai party. But he can not return to the Democratic Party.

Asked about the case of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said in a 69-year-old party, stating that the government was a coup d'etat. Mr. Niphat said that it was definitely a military credit. It is he who takes the power. We can not go back in time. In the meantime, the country was uncertain. If the army does not take power, it would not be peaceful. Again questioned, Thaksin is convinced that he still dominates the hearts of the people, and Mr. Pichit said, "According to the results, it is true.He also came first. the fault of the authorities who do not tell the truth about what is happening in the country The Prime Minister is also speaking against politicians only Talking in a sarcastic way So he knows the weakness of the government The government is determined If the government does not inherit power, I think Mr. Thaksin is defeated, but when the government thinks about it, it comes back, I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Thaksin is coming in. to say that it's a political theory.If you're not careful, your mind will be confident.I have to suck the holiday politicians for Thailand.It's not fair to come back to power [19659002] Mr. Vachara Diamonds, Former Democratic Member, Addressing Mr. Nakornchai , former MP for Phitsanulok. Democratic Party Thaksin Shinawatra and Miss Yingluck Shinawatra, two former prime ministers, actually said what Mr. Thaksin wrote. And Miss Yingluck C is the right of the city. But the Democrats have a lot of lies. I do not know if the city is conscious or not The Democrats have never had planning meetings. Let the soldiers take power as the city has accused. Or, to some extent, refer to some high ranking judges. As a result, the court was assigned, which has never been involved. In politics Mr. Nakorn wrote the link to the high-level judges for the benefit. I do not know what to do. There is a good deal of advice. Today, to praise the day. . Confirm that what Mr. King wrote is wrong. And the democrats and the judiciary. I was confronted with Mr. Nakamachi all the time to bring the truth to the conversation. Do not be fooled to exorcise the damage to the nation.

million. Narapat Kaewpong, Deputy Secretary General of the Democratic Party The case of Mr. Nakornchai, former MP for Phitsanulok. Democratic Party Post a photo Now, adults in the party are supposed to delegate to the law department to see if the words in question are able to handle the lawsuit in the event of a false statement. And the Democratic Party. In fact, Mr. Nakorn was not in the Democratic Party. Moved to another party for a long time. The words that led him to say that it is not true that deputies since 2001 look like the city. There is no word that uses us. The Democrats collaborated as they claimed. Mr. Nakorn had never discussed the mistrust of the interests of the people on behalf of the party. When used Consider the words of the current master of the city, with the past completely contradictory. After that, people will see what Mr. Nakorn has said is political. There are people who think that the party model for Thailand is that no matter who wants to have a political position. I must say that the boss is a model with a lot. People saw us, like Mr. Surapong Tovichakchaikul. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Becoming a Different Person The Democratic Party is finally taking over. The evidence of the city. Do you want to show Proving people to be clarified. But if it does not bring evidence or speech. To make the boss satisfied. I have not been able to find a way to do it. s)
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