You want more transparency! Service Charge 38.22 Baht. Why pay?


After the global social part I doubt it. What is the monthly fee of 38.22 baht? Why stay with users? And have the power to collect this money? News Team Find answers to …

What is the monthly rate of 38.22 baht? Why pay?

Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission and Energy Governance. Be effective in management. The price is right, the monthly fee. It's made of

1. Expenses for the sale and service of electricity users each month are employee salaries and travel expenses. And provide relevant tools.

2. The cost of registering a unit of electricity consumption of electricity users

3. Calculate the costs to prepare and print the invoices. Send it to the consumer. And electricity bill By providing staff. Receive payment from electricity users at the electricity office distributed throughout the country. And the payment agents that electricity has hired.

4. Cost of electricity services in the call center of the Metropolitan Electric Authority And the power of the province as well as power problems.

Paying There are two types of houses:

1. The user 1.1 is the counter. "No more than 5 amperes" and electricity consumption "not more than 150 units per month" will be charged 8,19 baht per month. The price is lower than the real cost of electricity. To care for low-income consumers.

2. Type 1.2 is the counter. "More than 5 amps" and the meter installed "up to 5 amps", but the electricity consumption "more than 150 units per month" for 3 consecutive months will be charged 38.22 baht per month.

VAT and VAT 7% Why still pay 38.22 baht?

Mr. Jatuporn Suriyasasin, Director of Corporate Communications The Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) explained that …

Ft value The cost of fuel for electricity The cost of producing electricity from renewable energy is the same as that of the government electricity.

The VAT 7% It's the VAT that people have to pay by law.

You can see that there is no electricity management fee included in Ft or VAT at 7%.

As a result, the monthly fee of 38.22 baht is separated from the fee structure. Because the monthly fees are the cost of the process of unity. Measurement Maintenance Billing Process It is not included in the cost of the fire itself.

Who uses pay? The state does not pay taxes on electricity.

For the doubt. Paying taxes Why does the state not bring tax money to pay for the service? Mr. Jatupon explained in this case. Although the 7% VAT is collected, it can not be taxed. Please help pay for the service.

Because this person will pay for the service. Must be a person who uses fire. If you speak well. People do not use fire, why pay instead? It is the responsibility of each domestic user to pay for the service.

And the service charge of 38.22 baht is not equal. If it's more than a factory. I think the cost.

The applied rates are Electricity is not eligible for service charges. Because under the law, electricity is under The Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission (NESDB) will set tariffs. Be transparent and fair to users. When calculating the average cost. So it comes out as such.

Electricity insurance Who benefits from the fall?

In the first place, people ask for electricity. The electricity will be charged. This insurance will be refunded when the electricity will be discharged.

This issue of the Energy Regulatory Commission (NRC) provides information on the reasons for the billing of electricity consumption insurance. Because of the electricity service. It is a service before loading. There must be a charge in advance to secure the electricity.

The PO provided electricity. To make the benefits or benefits received from the guarantee of use of electricity to people as follows.

1. "Medium Enterprise Large Enterprise And Specific Companies" that provide liquidity as collateral for electricity consumption. Interest will be paid once a year, based on the average interest rate of Krung Thai Bank savings since 2013.

2. Type of consumer "house". Small and medium-sized businesses will be reimbursed in the form of annual savings interests of Krung Thai Bank, which will be repaid every five years. He will start paying in 2020.

The service charge of 18 years is clearly indicated! MEA in the past has not worked out.

Mr. Jatuong also said. In the past, there was no such issue that electricity was never clarified. And the charges are billed for a long time. Only in the past, the structure of fire in the past will all be together. What is the value?

But later Office of the Energy Regulatory Commission (NESDB) How much does electricity cost? How much does electricity cost? How many services? For the transparency of electricity, it was immediately implemented in 2000 or 18 years ago, asked the question. What are the service fees?

Older news Share! I do not know what to do.

"Two years ago, the news came in. With the same sentence.And came out to clarify.This type of news usually happens in hot weather, electricity bills, electricity, people understand The message is shared so why charge? But after the end of the electricity, it was quiet.But for a moment, there was such news. electricity includes the public and is willing to come forward and clarify for greater transparency. " Department of Corporate Communications, MEA.

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