Zone for Thailand! Democrat! I do not have the right to vote.


I do not know what you're talking about.

Public Power – 29 November Mr.Vitoon Namsub The East Coast deputy democrat leader revealed that the demarcation was out. Overall, agree. In the constituency where the party had deputies, the assurance that Ubon Ratchathani Amnat Charoen is not a problem is that the old numbers that have been elected will continue.

Ubon Ratchathani will have two other deputies, including four districts, and the other districts will earn more points. And another province of Isaan will try to convince MPs to increase this election. Democrats will increase by 100% the number of deputies from 5 to 10 people, like King Et, Maha Sarakham, etc.

Mr. Vitoon said. This election In the Northeast is always the party for Thailand. Because no one has gone away. A part of the The People's Power Party (PPP) Former MP from another region, the Eastern PDP will have very few MPs. I can not pin it. So, the holiday will be the main holiday is Thailand. Thai Pride Party And the Democratic Party I do not see any other party. I do not see how the PPP will be a member of a province.

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