Still excited! Tickets for the open day around the national costume »SpringNews


Friday, November 30, 2018 – Ladies and gentlemen! There is good news to announce fans are ready to watch again, especially fans who love and follow the national costume of beautiful girls every year. Fixer Wedge Best Ideas The national identity of their own championships.

To date, the Miss Universe 2018 contest around the national costume or the national dress. The event will take place on Monday, December 10, 2018 at the Nongnuch International Convention Center (NICE), in Nong Nooch Garden, Chonburi, on Friday, November 30, 2018 at 10 am. All major branches. Or online

The venue of the National Costume Competition, Nong Nooch Garden, Pattaya, Chonburi, under the supervision of Mr. Gampolt Sajj, is a popular tourist destination in the world. There are tourists from around the world who travel and relax around tens of thousands of people a day. There is a large garden adorned with the most beautifully decorated bouquets of international flowers. It is considered one of the 10 most beautiful gardens in the world. Guaranteed by the World Wide Web and many honors. It is also the center of a world-class botanical garden that encompasses over 18,000 species of tropical plants under the concept of "Save the Earth", a tropical garden and a garden for everyone in the world.

In addition to the 1,700 acres of landscaped gardens at Nong Nooch Garden, Pattaya is also equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to accommodate large food and beverage outlets. And a large international conference center. With all this in mind. It has become a place where 95 beautiful girls will show and present their national costumes. To know which country dressed national. Will be awarded the national costume of the Miss Universe 2018.

The price of tickets around the National Costume is: 1500/2000 and 2500 Baht, but still has many privileges for the beauty queen! In addition to the card owner will be able to encourage and admire the beauty of the national dress of the beauty of the world. The national dress code also includes other privileges, such as admission to Nong Nooch Garden. Entrance to cultural shows and elephant shows. And international buffet called. I like to travel with a beautiful girl. This is also the ticket to the beauty contest that remains the cheapest in the universe!

Terms of purchase
1. Limit of up to 6 tickets per chain, the organizer reserves the right to cancel tickets in excess of the required amount (if applicable) without notice.
Tickets will be available from 30:00 on November 30, 2018. You can buy them online. And all the major Thai wickets. Can check the branch at. For tickets available at Call Center, call 02-262-3456. Available from December 1st, 2018.
3. To buy tickets online. on November 30, 2018. Payment by credit card, debit card, K Pay Plus, Line Pay and Airpay only.
4. Tickets can not be sold, refunded or exchanged.
5. The ticket is the property of the contest. The card is not allowed to be transferred to others. Or, take the contest ticket to sell for a profit. Or seek a commercial advantage is strictly prohibited. If it violates the contest. You have the right to cancel your contest entry without notice. And not all repayments.
6. In case of loss of the card The company reserves the right not to issue the card in any case.
7. For more information, please contact the TTM Call Center at 02-262-3456 or at the address [email protected].

Join us as a witness to the history of the world. As beautiful girls from all countries will own the National Dress Award. This is the first prize of the Miss Universe 2018 Contest to win. Monday, December 10, 2018, at the NICE International Convention Center (NICE), from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

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