Adan watch safely! Atletico Madrid CF hits the ICC penalty shot.


<img src = "" alt = "Adan watch safe! Atletico Madrid CF penalty for Arsenal ICC" data- caption = "Adan show safe!" Atletico Madrid beat Arsenal in the penalty shootout 3-1 over the entire 90th. 1-1 "of this game." Bear "led before Luciano Vito before the "cannon" has marked the equalization of Emil Smith at the 2018 International World Cup. [19659003Coupedumondedefootball2018
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Atletico Madrid CF

National Stadium, Singapore (Central Stadium)

Diego Siegel Coach 'Bear & # 39; Atletico Madrid takes the team in rehearsal for the big break. […] [Nouvelles] I miss the World Cup too. The new shoe like Antonio Adidan and Rodrigo have a common name traveling this time. However, there are still many big ones like the Luftwaffe, Juan Francesco, Thomas Parcay, Angela Guerrera and Kevin Cameroon.

The new Spanish manager of & # 39; cannon & # 39; Arsenal led the team in the team with a batting collision with the same team as Boram Wood 8-0. I did not go to Russia as Pierre-Amirick, Obama, Regarding the new game as Bernd Leno released this game.

The first half of Arsenal to dominate the game that Raiders in 11 have l & rsquo; Opportunity to greet before Matteo. [6]

After that, there was also a chance of a 20-gun cannon Aleaz La Gustat to snatch the ball from Atletico Madrid's striker. […] […] […] Read more …

32 .32 Arsenal took the lead at La Cazetta to the right of the penalty area. But shoot to save.

A. 39. La Gasset has again fallen into the fire. However, at 42 Milan in the back of the head 1-0 Angela Guerrero open in the middle of Luciano Vito's tackles.

First half Madrid Atletico Madrid 1-0

The second half started in just 2 minutes, Arsenal tied 1-1. Throw the ball in the ball to put the triangle in the beautiful

then the two teams. Nobody has scored 90 minutes 1-1 must decide on a penalty. Before the bear has been shot more accurately than possible. 3-1

Atletico Madrid : The Canoe – Juan Francesco, Rodriguez, Joachim Moonz, Roberto O. LaBeau – Antonio Paquet, Antonio Moya – Angela Guerrera, Francisco Rubio, Luciano Vito – Kevin Giamiroo

Arsenal : Brand Leno – Equatorial Guerrero, Rob Holden, Shawn Mastiff, Seaclassical Sinatra – Matteo Duane, Ar Ramsey – The Wheels of 39 ; Emil Smith, Reese Nelson, Alessandro Lazaro – Pierre – Amirick Obamasong

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