Adoption of "3 Years" for Office Syndrome »SpringNews


Invite people to work. Especially office workers who have to work the computer screen for a long time. Adjust the primary 3 is to adjust the environment. Changing Behavior Regular Exercise Reducing the Risk of Office Syndrome

Today (July 20, 2018) Dr. Suwannachai. Wattana Yingcharoenchai The Ministry of Public Health (MS), the Ministry of Public Health (MS), announced today that the Department of Disease Control The group of children from the school to adolescence for the elderly. Several years ago The task force found many diseases of office syndrome.

According to the National Office of Statistics, in 2013-2020,

Thailand has about 30.8 million computer users

Active age groups ( 15 years) For 28.1 million people, or a percentage. 91.3

The health problems of working in the office are more important. To sit on the computer screen for a long time. Do not change the motion

Risk factors for the syndrome at work include poor posture, such as oversized work areas. Hand or work with a computer for a long time. Or work the same position for a long time, so that the balance of office workers is very necessary. To reduce pain and reduce the disease Office syndrome.

How to prevent the syndrome of Office is to apply the "3 years" is

1. Adjust the environment.

2. Changing Behavior and Behavior at Work

3 Adjust the computer screen at eye level.

2 Place the keyboard at the 90 degree elbow

. ] 3. Sit down and back away with the folder

4. Place your foot on the floor with your legs at 90 degrees.

5. Place your right wrist. Do not twist or bend the wrist

To adjust the resting posture, hold down the "10-20-60" key every 10 minutes and keep your eyes on the computer screen. Take a walk and change every 20 minutes to an hour (60 minutes) to stretch your muscles and arms. By the management of the neck, shoulder blade, shoulder, waist, back and legs

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