AFC speaks clearly! After this blow. I do not know what to say.


After news of the AFA came out rumors. Now her husband, who divorced Songkran, is being pursued by the heroine, Matt Piriyakham, through the introduction of Chalida Vijitwongthong mint. "I'm sorry," he said. Latest news The TV channel The net cut

"from the AFL I think the point of AF clear.This is my first post.It is the story of Matt.It s & rsquo; It turned out to be a long story .. Nothing Yesterday was interviewed in the AFL

that AF saw Matt's interview clip, which the AF has says in this interview, the FA has helped me the most, after which it was commented that it did not help me. </ p> <p> What does it mean? AFL's AFL

(The MC asked "Who helped?") Why not help Why not help Why not help C & # 39; "AFL is in the AFL." It's a good thing I respect all of Matt's interviews – it's the most in the AFL.

people can be misunderstood It will be interesting to see how it works Everyone is happy, but really, the reporter asked If it happens in the future. You want to tell Songkran to talk to others. I'm not sure if that's the case. What is the problem? This means that in the future, he will go to someone. It made everyone happy. Now, the AFL is happy with my baby. "

Clips from 3.58am upwards

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