On September 30, 2016, Myrna Nilsson, 57, an old Australian girl from the Philippines. She was found dead in the laundry at her home, in Valley View District of Salisbury
The clock we added to the usual time spent. Some may use jewelry. Some can be used as a collection. But this user would not think that would solve the mystery of the murder of his own.
Neighbors Called the Police Home Around 10:10 pm after the meeting Caroline Dela Rose Nilsson A 26-year-old daughter-in-law is tied up and panicked
after police help Caroline Nilsson also made a statement the night of the accident. Myrna Nilsson was followed by two men with a white pickens pickup truck, and the dead had a mouth with both men outside for about 20 minutes she was in the kitchen unknowingly . What happens next? She later learned that two men
The police had listened. Caroline Nilsson was suspected of having murdered her mother-in-law from the first day of her funeral. But there is no clear evidence. Finally, after gathering evidence, he was arrested and charged with attempted murder on March 8, 2018.
By a neighbor witness, he did not see a white pickup truck parked in front of the house anyway. DNA screening found no evidence of two men or other individuals.
The most important evidence in the defense. Carmen Matteo Prosecutors have filed a complaint to the court is the clock. Apple iWatch to Myrna Nilsson who carry dead, which shows that the information provided by the defendant to the police. Not compatible with the results of the analysis of the dead
watch The Apple iWatch shows the heart rate of the user and the wearer's heart rate.
According to the track data recorded on the clock, Myrna Nilsson has just been assaulted. Within minutes of returning from work and returning home at 6:30 pm, she was physically assaulted at 6:38 pm and died at 6:45 pm This information was inconsistent with Caroline's statement. Nilsson said that there was a feud at home for about 20 minutes.
His presence at the request of the neighbors helped 2200 hours, which means that if the evidence. Apple iWatch is accepted This means that she has time to create false evidence and destroy the original evidence for 3 hours.
It's finally the culprit who is a corner. All puzzles have been solved. Apple iWatch Upper Detective
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