Arrested 6 Indian Accused – Riots


Russian tourists were drugged and smashed in India. The accused was arrested six cases of rape in India. Foreign news agencies reported on July 19 that Russian tourists. The victim, aged 21, traveled alone to Tiruchavanalamalai, Tamil Nadu, a major tourist destination in southern India and about 190 kilometers north of Chennai

. The victims were found unconscious naked on the floor of a small economic hostel. Early Monday, July 16th, as well as bite marks on the face and arms. Now, sleep in the hospital. Police are waiting to be interviewed. The preliminary physical examination revealed that the victim had been sexually assaulted

. The police arrested six people, including the shelter's receptionist and tour guide, to investigate suspicions of drug possession and disorder. The guide was arrested and claimed to have found an unconscious victim on the ground. After several hours of sex and Russian tourists drugged and ruined. Indian lawmakers reformed the rape law and added stiff penalties. After the shock. Several accused of raping and murdering women on a bus that ran along the streets of New Delhi last year.

but still Violent sexual violence against women and minors continues. Nearly 110 cases of sexual violence in India are reported daily, but activists say This figure is just the top of the ice valley. There are many cases that have not been notified while the Indian Minister of the Interior. On July 18, 1977, there were 110,333 cases of rape in India

and in the last few months. Many foreign tourists have been sexually abused in India. Including a taxi driver raped a Japanese tourist in the northern city last month, followed by a 20 year old Canadian tourist who was raped by the owner of the guest house in New Delhi.

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