Arrested 6 Russian prison guards jailed for the murder of a prisoner (Clip)


6 Russian prison guards detained After the publication of the video. It shows a photo of a prisoner attacked by several prisoners.

Foreign news agencies reported on Monday (July 23rd) that Russian investigators were interviewing a prison guard in Russia. After the publication of the video, it shows that. They deliberately raped a prisoner.

The 10-minute video clip was recorded in a Yaroslavl prison in the Volga region in June. In the year 2560, but recently published by the human rights group "Public Wire", which clips to a newspaper and makes Irina Beeruko, an advertising lawyer to escape. Out of the country And asked the government to protect his family.

The clip shows that one of the prisoners was arrested. The 18 guards were in the habit of training with both fists. And a lot of other equipment. And was splashed with water. I do not care that this prisoner asks for pity.

Yaroslavl's investigation committee stated that six guards had been arrested. While staff can identify other people involved. I'm done.

. Russian law forces prison guards to stick with their camcorders. However, even before that, human rights groups complained that prisoners were often injured. There is no case in which video clips are divided.

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