As planned! Mickey kneels for a wedding in America.


This year, rumors are circulating for adorable couples of different ages, candles, pho, suwan and micky nontine at Fortune or Mickey the Face Thailand

. It is the rumor that Janie – Micky is preparing to get married on October 18, 2561 in Bangkok and organized a private party on October 20, 2061 in Koh Samui. I did not answer clearly.

The last in the morning of July 2, 2561, the past – Mickey Micky posted a photo of Micky kneeling wearing a ring at the edge. "I said" YES "to the love of my life @" Mickey described the picture in the saying IG, I found the love of my life so I put a ring on it @janienineeleven "

.Have created a lot of congratulations. (F, B, E, V, N, T, S)
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