"Asanha Puja" recalls 2,606 years of Buddhism.


Today (July 27, 2561) corresponds to "Asanha Bucha Day" another important day of Buddhists. It is a day when the Buddha showed "the origin" as the core of the principles of Buddhism. In Panjavatani at Forest Isop C is the first Buddhist day of the Buddha and since that day until today. His teachings lasted 2 606 years and will continue to last. Eternity Eternity

In addition to Buddhism of the world. Today is also a day. The Buddha was the first Buddhist monk

because the show ended. In Ananda, 1, in Bhajanikan, he was reached. The first Buddhist monk in the world

In the past, Buddhists around the world have no particular memories today. In addition to the popular Vesak day.

In Thailand, we have no evidence to show that there were special offerings the eighth lunar month.

Until 1958, the coronation Suggestions The teachings of Lord Buddha (as Anjaree) announced the Episcopal Office to put in place. Asanha Bucha Day Another important day in Buddhism. The ceremony took place on July 14, 2508 for the first time

at the beginning. "A day of worship" is born of the joint efforts of various religions. By the resolution of the Board of Governors.

Until Buddhists hold the event throughout the country. Due to the importance of what is happening today in Buddhism, the Thai government, by Prime Minister Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat, adopted on June 6, 1962 a resolution announcing the "Asanha Puja Day". ". Another annual celebration From 1962 to now.

It is well known only in "preachers" of the Buddha. Mentioned "middle path" or wiring. Do not let Buddhists be too tense. Or give up too.

He referred to "Four Noble Truths" or Four Truths, namely, Suffering, Suffering, and Suffering (19659002).

1. A right view (right or right opinion) means knowledge and understanding in the Noble Truth. 4.

2. Righteous thoughts or thoughts are righteous thoughts. I do not know how to do it.

3. The right (just word or speech) means refraining from false, crude, slanderous, but honest speech.

4. Justice (Proper Practice Or Act Like) refers to the act of good faith in all areas. Do not do evil

5. Righteousness (just means of livelihood or just means of livelihood)

6. Righteousness (Such as perseverance It is not the case, the gossip that has come in. Make charity […] I do not know what to do, but I do not know what to do.

I still believe that if we live our lives with "the middle line" and every time we are in distress, if you do not want to do it, you will not be able to do it, no matter how badly you are, you will be able to suffer

On the eve of the Ashaabha Puja day in 2018, Vian has converged today, I want to invite you to Sri Rattanakiri, protect the reader, all the pains and sorrows forever and ever. )
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