ASEAN Weekly: Hybrid Diet (1) Cambodian Election to the New Government Malaysia


Talking about hybrid political systems or "hybrid governance" in Southeast Asia Cambodian elections begin Hun Sen and the Cambodian People's Party control it. And consider the lessons of reform of Malaysia on the holiday. The Alliance of Hope, led by the opposition leader who turned to former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed, overthrew the ruling party. The National Alliance, which has been in power for more than 61 years, has lost power in the face of a crisis of faith and corruption.

ASEAN Weekly As for the Cambodian election, which took place on July 29, it will be extended by the Cambodian People's Party (CPP) and Cambodian Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Will be long After the pre-election political authorization The National Socialist Party (CNRP), which is a rival opposition party. Arrest of opposition The party's welfare network has led the movement of refugees abroad, including Somkid, through the National People's Party, to announce the boycott of the elections. Left a small opposition party. It is a rival of the Cambodian People's Party

and there is also strict control of the media. Radio Free Asia (RFA), a Voice of America (VOA), levied a tax upstream of $ 6.3 million from The Cambridge newspaper, which resulted in the publication of the newspaper. And Malaysian investors, close to the Cambodian government, have also acquired "Phnom Penh Post" independent British newspaper This is followed by the removal of four editors and teams.

It is also a hybrid hybrid policy (hybrid diet) in Southeast Asia. Many countries are still in the "gray zone" is either in the middle of a system of absolute power or in a weak democracy

. The gray zone is also divided into the first hegemonic electoral authoritarianism. Or a political power that the governor has the power to vote. But politico-social institutions are totally controlled. Cambodia is classified in this group

while Malaysia The second group is competitive authoritarianism. The old guard. "Party of the National Alliance" (Barisan Nasional) after independence. He established a government and controlled the ruling government of Malaysia over the 61 years.

However, the decline of faith and corruption in the Prime Minister of Nagpur was done by the opposition. "Pakatan Harapan", a combination of the former opposition and former prime minister, Mahathir Mohammad, won the elections successfully. The recent political outlook in Malaysia remains on the path of reform. If the new government actively fights against corruption Including the overhaul of the government mechanism and reform measures. And then Malaysia. "Gray zone" at the end

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