Awesome! "Ezine Musk" confirmed that a 70% chance to move to "Mars" in the next 7 years.


Agency – Tesla 's Godfather and Founder of SpaceX Space Exploration Elton Musk Announces Axios Media Center on HBO Sunday, It is possible that 70% of them decide to travel to Mars with the belief that. This can happen in the next 7 years, even if there is a good chance of dying.

The Guardian newspaper reported yesterday (Nov. 25) that, during the Axios HBO radio show Sunday night, Nov. 25, Elon Musk said in an interview. "I know better what to do." And say "I'm talking about moving to live on it."

Also in the interview. The co-founder of Tesla and founder of SpaceX, Moving to Mars could be possible in the next 7 years. *** It can be moved permanently ***

The musketeers point out that "We think maybe you can come back but we do not trust."

The Axis Media site watched an interview with Ezzy Muscat one day before Robot robot landed. "InSight" on Mars According to AP, NASA uses a mechanical mole to dig a tunnel 16 meters deep to measure underground heat. And the earthquake monitor will perform the vibration test. Or anything that could shake the red star.

Musk, 47, has already mentioned his dream of traveling to Mars. British media But in an interview broadcast yesterday (25) He's given himself a chance to reach 70%, where Mus will land on his own Space X spacecraft to explore Mars in the future.

In an interview Musc also provides for it. A trip to Mars could take place in the next 7 years. Tickets should cost approximately $ 200,000.

However, on the recent list of the most upset muscles, he admitted he knew that traveling on Mars could mean the end of his life.

"There is a greater probability that you will die on Mars than on Earth." According to ZdNet, Musk points out that despite the high probability of death, he chose to compare the danger for Mountaineer Everest. Difficult and difficult

British media said. Considering the success of the masks to be able to successfully land on Mars, he said he expected to work hard without stopping to build a base or base on the planet.

"He has such an opportunity." "Ezra Musk said. "But there is not much time for rest, and even if it can do all that, but it's a terrible environment, we think you can come back, but we do not trust it." and this time it seems to be a way for the rich to have money. "

ZdNet reported that in a Muschman interview also discussed last year "Neuralink", the newly created company in the field of AI, which creates a computer-based transplant system. The musketeers point out that the ultimate goal of artificial intelligence is to make the AI ​​center accessible to many people.

"If we have billions of people connecting broadband broadband to this self-expanding AI, everyone will have the same smart genius." Muske said.

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