Bang Saray Seafood Seafood Restaurant I'm sorry.


Seafood restaurant in Bang Saree More than 70 people from Buriram used this service. [29659002] On July 13 at 1 pm, Police Lieutenant Pattanan Somnueng, Assistant Inspector General Sattahip District, Chonburi Province, was briefed on Bangsaray restaurant restaurant, 25/1 Moo 5, Bangsaray, Sattahip, Chonburi. There are many wounded travelers

on the scene. Disaster information First aid and conveyor The 29 wounded were 14 men and 15 women from the sea floor, sent to the hospital Wat Yansang Warararam. Queen Sirikit Hospital Department of Naval Medicine

Check the floor of the walkway, the wooden floor in the middle of the shop, the floor fell into a hole in the hole. The staff blocked the ropes around for safety. All the injured were a sugar cane worker in Buriram.

Police Lieutenant Pattanan Somnueng, Deputy Inspector of Sattahip Police said that tourists come to eat at the restaurant. The Bang Saree seafood restaurant, Sattahip, Chonburi is a sugar cane worker in Buriram, there are 70 people walking in the store, which is a wooden walkway. Take a look at the beautiful fish in the glass cabinets in many restaurants. The floor of a wooden restaurant sank, causing 29 deaths. I have to call Ms. Suwatcharin Ossett owner of the store.

million. Pong Bua Hom, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Bangsaree District, said the preliminary area with Mr. Somchit Nimsuwan, Mayor of Bang Saree. And the staff The cause is probably caused by beams, old wooden floors and rotting decay. The number of customers who can not use the service. I fell to the point that someone suffered such pain. I ordered to stop the service. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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