Bangkok has 124 patients infected with the virus.


Dr. Methapoj Chetmateeek, MD, Department of Communicable Disease Control, Public Health Bureau, Bangkok, revealed the situation of patients with cirrhosis from January 1 to July 20 in Bangkok. The 124 most frequent cases are: 1. Bangna 10 cases 2. Bangkae 9 cases 3. Bang Khun Thian and Minburi 7 cases The cirrhosis virus is a long-standing disease. Dengue And mosquitoes are carriers. However, the virus has not been detected because of the cost of the virus is 20,000-30,000 baht at news. Virus viral outbreak in Brazil There are more tests that can detect the virus of the urine.

However, the virus can affect pregnant women. If an area is detected by the cicada virus, health and related persons will do so immediately. To implement the measures to fight the epidemic, a 100-meter control radius of the infected zone has been established. For an infected person. First, there is fever, rashes, conjunctivitis, scarring fever. As with dengue fever, mosquito breeding sites must be cleared, especially during the rainy season. Because there are often water containers. The source The breeding of mosquitoes is very good. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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