Bangkok to make an underground tunnel. Welded around the monument


At Bangkok's Thanon Noppharat Building, Bangkok City Hall 2, on July 2, Mr. Sompong Wiangkaew, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Bangkok, revealed after the meeting the planning and development of the area surrounding the Victory Monument. Ratchathewi. There are related organizations such as the Department of Fine Arts, Civil Affairs, the Department of Urban Planning. Bangkok has been coordinated by military agencies with regard to the development of the area surrounding the Victory Monument to be able to use more space. In particular, the connection to travel on foot. The tunnel is similar to a bridge. But now I do not know. It is not possible to create a committee to study and plan the development of the area. And assigned to the urban planning office. Check that the agency is responsible. To be officially coordinated. Including permission to develop zones. Because the past Bangkok is responsible for cleaning. Include the tree. Flowers only The key to opening the door to the area is not in Bangkok, so there is no information. Monument of Victory In the responsibility of Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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