Beautiful admirable! Pancake Releases With Specialist Marine Position – Post Today Entertainment News


Navy appoints Pancake Nine as exclusive spokesperson for the Navy

rather well, really talented For the heroine of the pancake dancers plays a good song, because walking a lot of free time when he often goes to help charities on a regular basis.

The last pancake house was named. "Navy Special Spokesperson" by the page "Royal Thai Navy Navy" revealed the story. Tasks Assigned

"Navy appoints Miss Khun Nij Kittikorn as Special Navy Spokesperson, Special Navy Spokesman for Responsibility and Authority.

1. PR Marine Information As Assigned by the Royal Thai Navy And join the Navy activities Assigned by the Naval Corps 3. Provide useful information and advice to the Navy IOT 4. Perform other duties assigned by the Corps naval. "

Attend the work without any compensation.

The Thai Royal Navy and the Royal Thai Navy

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