Believe in the rumors! An Indian crowd killed 2,000 people for a chocolate boy


An Indian crowd strikes a man and injures his friends. He was seriously injured. This guy gave chocolate to kids. [Nouvelles] Indian police arrested at least 30 suspects after a man was found guilty of vandalism Due to fear of rumors of abductions of kidnapped children. What is spreading about the application? WhatsApp? in India, which has caused many deaths of this nature.

The death of Mohammed Asam was fatal. With three other friends in Karnataka district. On Friday, July 13, south of India, his friends were seriously injured. And is currently hospitalized.

According to SAR disclosure the province of Srinakharinwirot. The group went to Pit Lane before parking to deliver chocolate to a group of girls, but a child shouted at the villagers, who were afraid of rumors of kidnapping.

"We do not know why they give chocolate to this group of girls," he said. "We do not even know whether they are malevolent or not, and now we are studying the issue."

After facing the villagers. Mr. Asam and I drove away. Before being attacked by more than 2,000 people, Miles Miles' story behind them was broadcast via WhatsApp, causing their vehicles to fall off the road.

Recently, police arrested 30 suspected men, including 28 implicated in violence, and the other two spread rumors. What is the function of (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) in the WhatsApp function

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