Betong 61


Resolving troubles in three southern border provinces It's a vicious circle where not all governments can crystallize the problem. Whether it is a decisive suppression tactic or a peace negotiation. I have to change a lot of people. The government and the army. There are several committees. Finally, it accumulates again, measured by the safety of life and property of the people of the region.

arrived at the government. General Prayut Chan-Ocha, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Pravit Wongsuwan, led the Betong Plan 61 to seriously solve the problem.

From the Betong case, Yala. On March 26, Cabinet reshuffled the Betong area, Yala. Security incident in the Kingdom and the Ministry of the Interior or Home Affairs Assigned to the Center. Responsible for the prevention, suppression, suppression and correction or mitigation of incidents affecting internal security

. An integrated plan to monitor and speed up the state agencies and relevant government officials to implement the plan. This will take effect from May 28 to November 30.

The solution to unrest in southern Thailand is consistent with the policy of administration and development of the southern border provinces. Creating security Respect for human rights People trust and contribute to the sustainable development of peace. Self-sustaining sustainable development In line with the development of the prototype. Stable triangle Rich and sustainable It will be developed as a new tourist and tourist destination.

Implementation of the integration process according to National Strategic Plan To support people in the region with quality of life, good life, income. Include a security assessment Improve knowledge and participation.

Betong 61 plans to integrate according to the current situation. The government has had similar policies to solve problems in the south. The economy is in great shape because it is believed that when people eat well, it will bring peace. But finally, the problem of the budget does not reach the villagers. The policy is unsuccessful because of the massive exploitation. )
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