Assignment to the Division of Plant Protection and Soil Management Department of Agricultural Extension Monitor the onset of pest infestations likely to continue to spread in Thailand. A total of 1,890 plots were surveyed throughout the country, covering 38 plant species
M. Prasong Prapakrakul, Deputy Director General, Department of Agricultural Extension Ask farmers to help each other. The cassava leaf virus is caused by the cassava mosaic virus, which can be attached to cassava
. If the disease breaks out, the cassava will be badly damaged. Because cassava is a disease. Stunted yellow leaves stunted. He does not make head, or if the head is small, is not perfect
causing 80 to 100% damage and spreads very quickly. Because there are vectors of white tobacco snakes.
There are currently no drugs or chemicals to destroy this organism.
Even our home has never been found infected with lepidopterosis. Come before But now there are epidemics in Cambodia and Vietnam. The recent outbreaks of this disease are only 30-40 km from the Thai border, especially in the main cassava areas of the northeast and east. Areas at risk include Sisaket, Ubon Ratchathani, Surin, Buriram and Sa Kaeo.
Locust Bamboo C is another pest of other species that need to help each other. There have been reports of damage in neighboring Laos, contact with the province of Nan
If the farmer encounters unusual or harmful infestations, pestilent and exotic pests have never been found. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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