"Shark Lakes" will not be able to use Nalapad Malapan and Sutan Puan on the Big Match Thai League this weekend.
On July 19, the movement of the game Big Match Toyota Thai League 2018 in the 14th game of the season by the game. Big Match "Shark Lakes" Chonburi FC 7th of the table opened the house face to face. "Thunderbolt" team Buriram United team
by "Big G" Jeerasak Joomthong Marketing and Media Director Chonburi FC said: "This game we have no player penalty. there is also chronic pain, Nalapol Malapan and Sutan Pukan, we have to use Kris Dagman, the star quarterback on the field.The past worked well.But the team lost the door often because he was young if Krisda could do more.I believe that he will be the strength of the team and the Thai national team in the future. "
" Chonburi has a chance to fall, but we will send the best players on the course, must say that we want to highlight all entries that come in.
Siri Chaiyamoto, deputy director of Thunderbolt, said: "We still have players injured both the prosperity of national prosperity and Saraswai. Players are lump sum. To visit Chonburi Being good at work is hard work. This Sunday we must make a full and try to stop the game offensive in Chonburi. "
" past games. We may be able to score some goals and lose some goals, but we need to improve gradually, but the most important thing is to collect three points. We can not afford to lose because we still have a score for Bangkok. Keep up the good work. We must therefore try to do good.
For the match between Chonburi FC meet with Buriram United will be on Sunday 22 July at 19:00 live on True Sports HD 2 and TrueFo. Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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