Big Six discusses 6 hours of preparation to save 13 lives of the caves.


Big Six discusses how to save 13 lives of royal caves

Of the case of military officers, police, special warfare units, the Navy or Rescue Seal and others. Join us on a mission to help young footballers, boars and 13 coaches to live in the caves of Luang Tham Forest Park, Nangun, Chiang Rai, 24 hours a day.

by the shoulder. correspondent July 7 homicides. On the evening of the rescue meeting, the 13 teams of boars had the same opinion, namely the Army Seal, the Rescue Marine Park and the team of volunteers from abroad. Never saw the light enter the cave. The authorities checked the coordinates in the area to find that the light from the slope is about 400-500 meters from the mound.

It is estimated that spotlight is a hole near the slope. There may be vines or dead branches. If the team finds the hole, it will shorten the distance and time to help the wild boar 13 to live

and then to the end. The front of the cave. Soldier brought a green cloth. Climbing around the entrance of Tham Luang Forest Park – dragging lord. This is an extension of the previously closed area. To hide the visibility After the news that the body will be ready to go out tonight.

Later, at 10 pm, rain returned to the grottoes of the Royal Cave in five days, as predicted by the meteorological department. The rain fell in this turn is considered a major obstacle in the rescue mission 13 lives out of the cave.

Then at 23:50, General Anupong Chochinda Ministry of the Interior. Meetings in the caves of the evening. Exit the meeting to monitor the situation. After spending 6 hours on the event,

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