BNK48 charity concert of the Thai people to help the victims of the epidemic


BNK48 idol shows 12 songs in charity concert #BKK FOR ATTAPEU to bring relief to the victims in Atapuwa Lao People's Democratic Republic without deducting expenses. […]

As a result of the flood at ATTAPEU, Lao PDR killed Laotians. BNK48 (BNK Fortity Edge) joined WORKPOINT, TNN 24, Thai Rung Thai Foundation And Business Groups. Concert #BKK FOR ATTAPEU concert to bring the proceeds from the sale of concert tickets without deducting expenses.

to help the victims as quickly as possible. Media partners are Workpoint, TNN24, PlanB Boardway Media Online. Including business groups. And the Thai Thai Foundation. The concert was planned. The concert will take place in 24 hours Concert charity #Thailand FOR ATTAPEU at Siam Paragon Theater. On July 31, 2018, the hottest idol group of the time, BNK48 was comprised of idols from the idol group JAN JENNIS JIT. Mio Ridgid, one of the new members of the show, performed the song of their first album RIVER in RIVER, followed by the song in the first single. Aitagata wanted to meet her and Ogoe Diamond. I like the 6 members in the dress. To assist the Lao People's Democratic Republic, the Lao People's Democratic Republic has also introduced various performances. Followed by the last single day, or Shoniji, which means the song. Good to encourage barriers. To succeed in the future, followed by the song Sakura no hanabiratachi. Memories and Farewells

Followed by songs from the BNK48 children's gang, the Hirai skirt is a magnum opus for the seven girls in a red skirt. Then dance to the beat of the song, followed by the songs used in the campus or theater of BNK48, a mix of members 1 and 2 together, the 16 people at Party Ga hajimaruyo in the dream. With Doku Ringo w Tabesasete poisoned Apple

then 16 girls back in BNK48 fans in Bangkok. Well then it was the second season of BNK48 at Tsugi no Season, a new season with a cute, Koisuru Fortune Cookies And it's over with 365 days of good music with paper airplane.

Then donated money from sponsors to help the victims in Atapuapa, Lao People's Democratic Republic. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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