Body Slam and concert in 15 universities of the country.


The green light of the doctor to use the sound Pong / Pud / Chatch / Peak / Oom BODYSLAM (Body Slam) camp genie records (Jeanie Records) to prepare 2 songs. H presents WHO WE ARE CAMPUS LIVE 2018 (TrueMove H Presenter Hugo R. Campus Life 2018) with 15 universities across the country. Body Slam says that he wants to reap the energy of teenagers.

This is a story that "I have a lot of questions about my health.Thank you to everyone who worries.I have 3 months to check the appointment.Now you can use voice, but do not overdo it.We are very happy to be able to return to all fans of TrueMove.HHVR Campus Body Slam does not have a very long tour.

We We used to play camps from our first album 16-17 years ago.The campus is where we met the real music fans are very good feelings, but after the album enough to not not play a lot of campuses.I think about the atmosphere.I think the teenagers energy, we want to feel the same way to fill the body.

Campus Tour this special is to hear two new songs, which we are with light subjects … Of course, there are many old songs that many people would like to hear. And some of the songs that have not played for a long time, and I feel like I want to play it. We will play a lot. The university will already have activities.

We have been touring for a long time. I am very happy that the first stage of the 7th album is a campus tour. We are looking forward to returning to the stage with a lot of energy. Excited to see everyone Join us for the first time on August 2nd at Thammasat University, Rangsit Campus and check out the GMB Grammy Road Tour campus tour. "[19659006] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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