Boxing match, Lumpinee Knox! Dentist & Cholonthorn & # 39; Pornchai Noi 4


Cholsit Kiatkumphon, Phra Pathom Chaiyaphum, Rattana Bundit The KO in the fourth round of the match is a double. "Muaythai Muaythai Muaythai 99 Light Emerald Fighting" at Lumpini Boxing Stadium. […]

On July 6, 61, "Fighting boxing sunflowers from the 99th Emerald Light" at the boxing arena Lumphini Ramindra, Ekachai Kittisakorn Poonphol met Pornchai Noi Rattana.

Cholasit Kiatkumon, the largest body of the Navy. I must be stronger than Pornchai m. He does not survive. The directors must stop the fight. Click to send a private message to this author Click to view the profile of this author Click to add this author to your list of friends Click to add this author to your list Ignore

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