Boys on flowers 2 BOYd50e # 2 simplified the concert


From the very first concert "BOYdKO50th # 1 RHYTHM & BOYD CONCERT", Boyd Kosiyapong's main track song "Rhythm & Boyd" was very successful "streamlined". The album was released in 1996 and 2002. The album includes love songs from the dark side of the boy's dark life, like, thanks, so far, I want to ask, I am free , old pictures, noon Tonight, I'm doing everything to make her happy, Now & Forever is brought back. live concert of the AMC is the first and probably the time 'BOYd50th # 2 simplified The Concert' Concert Part 2 of boyd 50 th Triology with the original singer to join. Special Guests Boy is a collection of songs composed between 1995 and 2001 and never performed in concert before. Come on stage. See you on Saturday, August 4th and Sunday, August 5th at Impact Hall. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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