"Bravo! Boy's" Thailand's lively search for "New Hero" 4 AEC.


The overflow of the Grammy building. When boys from all over the country came to queuing for the application. "New Hero" in the project "BRAVO! BOYS" (Bravo! [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] Grammy is open to new members of the cast of all Thailand and four neighbors of 39 AEC among the huge candidates Ekachai The builder and general manager of Bravo Studio revealed that

"the answer is really good.Call that a flood.Someone from 6am of In the morning, I was impressed by the commitment and ability of children to give themselves the opportunity to dream of becoming a professional actor of the Grammy family.After the first round of the audition We will filter all the candidates for the 2nd round of auditions before entering the round. "Final Examination We will select from 4 other ACS countries The final will be held in the country. [19659003] Follow me on FB, IG, TWITTER: GMM BRAVO and LINE: @GMMBRAVO and get the clip https://bit.ly/2m88kzq[19659005]! Function (f, b, v, n, t, s)
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