Brazilian hardcore! Belgian downhill at the end of the park, the first half leading 2-0.


Belgium Brazilian favorites are 1-0 up to 2-0 in the first half of the 2018 World Cup semi-finals.

2018 World Cup Finals July 6 , the match between Brazil and Belgium took place in Kazan Arena, Russia.

Samba led the army by the world's most expensive nebar. As always, join Philippe Minotaur. , Villarreal and Gabrielle, Belgium, led by Eden Azard, Kevin DeBeun and Romela Lukaku

opened the door for the second minute, Belgium has already won the door.

7 minutes Brazil almost worn Neymar turn the ball around the corner of the attacker Miranda attack the ball to hit the ball to hit the ball to hit the ball. Porsche will be able to save.

Belgium The goalkeeper took a 1-0 lead. The Naser corner kicker Chad Lee opened the ball at the edge of the ball and Fernán clenched his fists in the door.

Brazil crossed the finish line in the 19th minute. […]

From the ball back in Belgium, take a 2-0 32 minute return ball to Luka Kuyt for a pass before the ball goes to K. Win derby, the ball before the ball hit the ball in the net.

5 minutes later, Brazil beats the door to beat the egg, Philippe Cutinin cuts the noodles before turning with the right. Belgium takes a lead of 2 to 0.

List of the 11 real teams of the two

Brazil 4-2-3-1: Alessandro (GK): Fabrice, Tiago Silva, Jo Mirandada, Marcelo: Paulino, Fernandina: Willy, Phil. Gabrielle the Nazarene

Belgium 3-4-2-1: Tibertur Gers (GK): Toby Alder Janet Freeman, Janet Fairbanks, Natalie Chadley, Axel Weissel, Kevin DeBroun and Thomas Munier: Eden Azard, Maru Fellini: Romeo and Juliet

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