Breaking his "fierce bull"


The 2018 World Cup continues to break the pen.

It is the time of the "bull", the former world champion of Spain 2010 and the second best after the first round

before the first. Meeting in the field with gurus "White Bear", in London and Las Vegas. And Macao has accepted that Spain's bulls land players to continue to welcome many

have labeled the "Bull" as a pursuit. "White Bear" won the round of 16 teams in the 8th round, not

Just enough to start the race in just 11 minutes, Spain took the lead 1-0 of the ball in his own goal of Serie A of Russia.

But enough to play the situation began to be uncomfortable in the order. I do not know what to do. In addition to ticking the ball to go to the so-called "beat the guitar" in Spanish


In the 39th minute, the polar bear was penalized with the penalty shot. Giant Front Russia defeated rival. 1-1

Then came the full 80 minutes, including the rest of the first half, plus the second half. And for another 30 minutes … both teams can do nothing more than one goal.

Especially the team is the Spanish who can record a new world cup. Within 90 minutes and more than 1000 times after 30 minutes, the statistics do not make sense.

Due to the absence of goals and the score, there remains 1-1. Goal 4-3

became a whistle for the White Bears to play around 8 teams

while the Bulls fought to become the Bulls. 16 people back home from Argentina The Portuguese team was eliminated on the following tears [19659014] of people cheering in the stands. [Image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] The Amphitheater In the bars and squares where the TVs are installed, watch the live broadcast.

The white-haired Anakin Feev of the Polar Bear became a hero. Because they can save up to two bullets and lead to victory

to shout the fans' congratulations. A voice called his name, "Leaf Yin Shin We celebrate our new Leafyin."

Return to the past. "Lepidoptera", the legend of Soviet or Russian ancestors.

"Sergeant" as a fan of Lech Yinch, congratulations to the Russian team here


But he admits that he helped Russia win. And bullshit went home this time.

True story on screen, this lesson teaches that "football" is good. But it's useless if not the door. The victory of football is at the door.

For the late pair came late at night between Croatia and Denmark, he finished at 1-1, then he was 1-1, so the duel would fight the duel to another couple. [19659002It'salongtimetohaveastomponapairoftwo-handedpairsandpenaltiesforthetwopairs

Croatia gives a poor 3-2 penalty Katerina Schumacher Leicester. And dairy cows. Shots on goal in the match. The team is not lost. Over time

But the shooting of the dairy itself draws less.

Finally, the long night because of the weather and both penalties ended up the Russian host to meet the Croatian Tartan in 8 teams. Hit 1 Saturday, July 7 along the road set

to play. The opportunity to host the Polar Bear will go up to 4 teams or semi-finals. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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