Brecks political protest! Resignation of British Foreign Minister – The Bangkok Insight


British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson resigned from his post Monday (July 9) after only one day after "David Davis" The Chair


foreign news agency reported. The conflict in the British government has begun to degenerate. When Mr. Boris Johnson, Secretary of State Decide to submit your letter of resignation. The situation put more pressure on Prime Minister Teresa May on Brewster's policy.

million. Johnson Became the second minister to resign And it happened just before Ms. May. Will begin reporting to Parliament on its new Biscott plan.

The British leader said that she did not agree with the two former ministers on how best to honor the result of the referendum. Last year 2559

the analyst. Comment The resignation of Mr. Johnson This will make the situation embarrassing And the difficulties of Ms. May Transformer into a complete political crisis.

The United Kingdom will leave the European Union (EU) on March 29, 2019, but until now, the two parties have not been able to reach a conclusion.

The EU hopes that the United Kingdom will change its policy

said EU President Donald Tusk, hoping. The sudden resignation of a senior British minister That the government brings a positive change to politics

Brett Donald

M. Tuske Tweet tweet after Mr. Johnson. One of the most influential politicians in England. You have to leave these few minutes. Politicians come and go But the problems they created for the people were left out, and that he regretted the concept of Breitbart. I can not go with Mr. Davis. And Mr. Johnson But who knows …

M. Johnson and Davis filed a letter of resignation. After the British Prime Minister Reveal his policies. Maintain a strong economic relationship with the EU.

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