Britain found evidence of 400 pieces of toxic cases "Novo Shock" – the news.


  English finds evidence

English finds evidence – On July 15, the subway reports on the investigation of the case. Toxic substance destroys the violent nervous system Mrs. Dawn Gustes 44 years after being poisoned with Mr. Charlie Rowley 45 years old, husband at Amesbury. Near the city of Salisbury In the English county of Wilshire "width =" 696 "height =" 446 "data-has-syndication-rights =" 1 "data-portal-copyright =" Matichon Public Co., Ltd. "srcset = "×446.jpg 696w, /2018/07/01-35-300×192.jpg 300w,×420.jpg 656w, https: // www / wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / 01-35.jpg 703w "sizes =" (max-width: 696px) 100vw, 696px "/>

English translation of the proof" width = "696" height = "446" data-has-syndication-rights = "1" data-portal-copyright = "Matichon Public Co., Ltd." srcset = "×446.jpg 696w, uploads / 2018/07 / 01-35-300×192.jpg 300w,×420.jpg 656w, https: // 703w "sizes =" (max-width: 696px) 100vw, 696px "/>
Ms. Dawn Staggs and Charlie Rowley , poisoned by Novosho in June. Before Mrs. Striggs's death, she would die and die. / Metro /

The London Metropolitan Police discovered that a small bottle contained poisons in the lodges of Mr. Rowley and Mrs. Stranges. There are also more than 400 evidence related to the case.

  The British were found evidence
Police officers were checking Mr. Rowley's house after finding a small bottle containing harmful substances. AFP PHOTO /

Police say a team of scientists is investigating toxic substances in bottles containing nostalgia from the same source used to attack. Sergipe Former Russian spy and Miss Yulia Daughter of Salisbury Last month, The relationship between England and Russia is tense. Later, the British government, with the western nations And the United States. Allegations of Russia being behind poisoning

  British police find evidence
Specialized officials retain evidence linking and possibly contaminating NOVO CHOCOLATE / AP PHOTO /

However Russian authorities insist To actively refuse At the same time, the accelerator inspects more than 400 items likely to contaminate the toxin. And this research will continue for several weeks. Or for several months. Read more:

The victims of venomous Novo are dehydrated! British investigation into murder

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