Bureau of Industrial Economics The index of the industry for the year 2019 was 2.5%


The Deputy Director General of the Office of Industrial Economics (EXIM Thailand) said that the MPI forecast for the Manufacturing Index (MPI) in 2019 was 2.5% (on an expected framework of 2). -3%). Gross industrial output (GDP) is expected to average 2.5% (the outlook is expected to be 2-3%), the same level as this year, with expected IPM and GDP. The industry will grow by 2.5%
After the month of October the MPI rose 4.08% to 112.79%, an increase of 108.37% over the same period last year and 10.1% (January to October 2018). The MPI increased 4.08%. Is 67.75%

"We need to keep an eye on the remaining two months of this year. (November – December 2018) may be slightly positive or negative.Over last year, the production capacity was greater than the intended goal. # 39; IPM this year is expected to grow 2.5%, which is even less than the previous target of 2.5-3%, but the overall situation is better than last year. have to manage expectations because everything is about the base. "

Next year, following the elections in the country, positive factors should be clearly defined by the agency after the elections of February 24, 2062, in order to strengthen confidence in the industry. There is also a strong propulsion of public investment that has been progressing in large-scale investment projects since 2017. This is evident in the real construction sector, which accounts for about Bt 700 billion per year. compared to last year, Millions of bahts then boosted private investment.

Investments in infrastructure and the implementation of the Eastern Economic Corridor (ECE) project, which should include three high-speed rail projects, will be finalized by the private sector in December. Before the signing of the contract in early February 1972. The investment in the aircraft maintenance industry is expected to be successful in February 2016. Signed the contract in March 2016. Including investment in the development of the industrial port and Laem Chabang Phase 3, and household spending continued to grow. And tourism is recovering.

In 2019, the risk of fluctuation in the global economic and financial system needs to be monitored. In particular, the uncertainty of US trade measures. This can be both positive and negative for the ASEAN countries. The slowdown in China's economic stability. Next year, the Chinese economy could slow down by 6.6 percent this year, but it is expected to fall to 6.3 percent next year, as will the volatility of oil prices.

However, the electronics industry, despite the slowdown in production and exports Due to the weak purchasing power of foreign countries. The economy is slowing down. However, electronic products are expected to increase slightly with the increase in production and exports. Including the automotive industry, the production of dietary fiber and textiles. The upward trend is a major factor contributing to the MPI index next year.

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