Carabao & Kamphee Exclusive Concert


กรุงเทพฯ – Jul 5 – The Beach Hotel Pattaya

MYTT Beach Hotel Pattaya presents "Exclusive Concert Carabao & Kamphee"

First time with a legendary concert live on the stage. "Miter for Life 5 stars" first with the opening of the exclusive room. Create a new legend of music for life in Pattaya. "Carabao" is led by Adiday Ongkul, accompanied by members of the group and "Pappong Santi". . The unique style of crap on Saturday, September 15, 2018, with the new chapter legendary. The Mermaid for Life 5 stars at Vertigo Hall, Mistral Pattaya Beach from 7:00 pm

Full of 4 hours of shows, immerse yourself in the hilarious music and live in. The memories of Carabao fans, such as Made in Thailand, University, Recife, Bua Loi (Buffalo Buffalo Region 5), the poor, Udon Thani, Tak Tak, welcome to Thailand. Land, and more with shows. The sound of the song is very unique, and the song comes back to hit the charts and teenagers, like the shooter and many immortal songs as always, wholeheartedly, here, young, redeem her. For more information, please visit

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