"Chiang Mai" cold continuous. Doi Inthanon 1 degree less


Cold weather At Doi Inthanon, the temperature drops to minus 1 degree, while the Department of Environmental Protection warns that the weather will continue.

On November 28 at 8:30 am, Mr. Kris Siam Kong Kham, Head of Doi Inthanon National Park. Have revealed This morning at Doi Inthanon, it is cold. The lowest temperature at the summit is reduced to -1 degrees Celsius, the coldest temperature of the year. After that, the temperature has dropped continuously. From this temperature drop. Also driving a phenomenal turn. "Gel" or meow The area surrounding the Doi Inthanon Park surveillance post, which has encouraged tourists and tourists to come and visit the beauty of the mountain. After that, the weather will continue to cool down. It is expected that the temperature, especially at the height of the decline. And will cause the phenomenon of continuous frost or flood.

To that, Preecha Juntathana Wat. Weather forecast Nordic meteorological center revealed During this period, there was a high pressure area. Relatively strong from China. Spread over high Thailand and the South China Sea. Thailand is generally cold and windy. And the temperature decreases. From cold to very cold and frost in some places.

Thank you for the photos of Doi Inthanon National Park.

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