Chiar at the time Slash England


The first world championship with the French team on July 15

"Tartan" hard-earned Croatian after the "roaring lion" England has returned to exceed the additional time. World Cup debut for the first time with the "hen" of France on July 15, in the hope of avenging the heartbreaking 20 years ago, the consultant "Lazarus Dalits" Cross. I have so much praised the team that I have not won two games. Leading to a short stay as an excuse in the game. "Luka Modric" captain of the plaid team used the derisory word of the British media to lead the victory as "Gareth Southgate" consultants. The Three Lions are proud of their team game. The experience is still inferior to what many opponents are defeating.

2018 World Cup on the evening of July 11 in Thailand. The quarter-final "checkered" Croatia beat the "roaring lion" England to 2-1 in overtime. After always within 90 minutes 1-1, three-leagues before Kieran Trifle's head 5 minutes before the chip. Shoot Ivan's rivalry. Percival 68 minutes before regulation time 109 minutes Mario Mandzuk pulls the goal to bring the Croatian finalists to meet the "hen" of France on July 15th. For Croatia, for the second time, it was the semi-finals that reached the quarter-finals after the first in 1998. That year, Kroaty was defeated. "LeBlanc" 1-2 to win the championship. Provoking This time, the "checkerboard" will be reunited with the "chicken" after 20 years of suffering.

This final. Croatian national team Became the least populated nation in 68 years to reach the final of the World Cup. They have only 4.17 million people in the country. France had a population of 62 million inhabitants and the smallest population to reach the semifinals was Uruguay in 1950.

After the end of the match, Zlatan Dalkid, coach Croatian national football. Excerpt from the team after the spirits, the fighters are not going to give up even if it was taken. In the end, it will eventually fall over. "It was a great match.We have two players who can not run, but they show no sign.Because he does not want to be replaced in overtime, I am very proud of his team they have a good spirit and never give up. "

In the final round. "We're ready for the finals, we played 120 minutes and stayed 1 day less than France, that may be a problem for us, but we do not take this as an excuse, we have to play the last match of this World Cup It's like we are playing our first game, "said Dalí.

Luka Modric, midfielder, checkered captain. "British media and critics say we're exhausted, like a walking corpse These words make us more powerful, to make them see that they're wrong, they should honor us more." To play around that, he must be tired, but when you know how awesome this bet is, we show that we can say it's our best game. "

Gareth Southgate, England's manager, said "I'm very proud, how to play the team, we watch the reaction of the fans, I think they feel the same way, our players are the least experienced team in the tournament. Luke Kovitchich and Evan Ragich through the big games But I think it will be a memorable experience

In the suppression of the football game in Thailand On July 12, Major General Chalermkiat Srivoran, Deputy Permanent Secretary, chaired the meeting to push the govern policies on the suppression of crime. "Exterminate crime to make the country live." Track the loan situation outside the system, interest rates exceed the law. And the violence after the collection of debt after the World Cup. It's a good thing. Final World Cup The problem is that the collection of debt, especially in the informal sector, has been coordinated by the DAP to investigate the money laundering charges and that, if held, the authorities have found that there were 11 lenders. For the debtor more than usual. Someone over 1 million should spend the ball. Due to the consistent data found that the World Cup Festival has more than doubled the number of football players than ever before

. It's a good thing. The most frequently encountered player is the Chulalongkorn University, followed by Chulalongkorn University 2D After arrests statistics, four years ago, the game was the only arrest of 5,000 people . Now the World Cup is not over. The police arrested more than 14,300 cases, 534 bankers had money and 45 million baht, and the Digital Ministry of Economic and Social Affairs. Launch of 211 websites involved, arrests of advertisers and recruitment of 34 ballistic players Statistics show that contraband has more than tripled compared to the previous World Cup. The function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) can not be found.
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