Faculty of Law, Chulalongkorn University invited Dr. Niti Subhadanan Rujirishai speaks of "Local Strategy in Country 4.0" to serve high-ranking local cadres, 35th edition Monday, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Pathum Thani
2 Last week I took my father to Yui Zhejiang Province And come to Lin Gu Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Then look at the construction of the hydroxide dam 1 + the progress of the Boenen high-speed rail line. (Laos-China border) in Vientiane + Construction of the Vientiane-Vientiane Highway
a big news in Chengdu, China, Fuxu Xiao-shan, the Chinese people is now very interested in the American news. The official trade war with China News Malaysia suspends the train program with China And the boat crashed at Hee Island. Phuket There are dozens of dead.
I have been in the sky many times. Chinese tourists come to Thailand today. Not a big group or GIT (Group Individual Travelers) as before. Most of them buy their own travel agency (OTA) and travel alone FIT (foreign individual tourism) FIT tourists are usually young.
Chinese tourists who died were FIT travelers from rich countries in China such as Jiangsu (GDP per capita and per year). $ 16,965), Zhejiang (14,630), Guangdong (12,909), etc. Although the news of the accident had a negative impact on Thai tourism. But the Thai Embassy maneuver and the Thai consulate in China are working hard across China. Social Media in China Provide information to the public and facilitate relatives of vulnerable victims. Thailand is not attacked by social media in China. The media is.
But the hardest hit in Chinese social media is Malaysia, which has blocked a strategic plan, a Silk Road to 1 or 21st Century, which was signed in March 2016, 2560 and is expected to be in full swing. complete in 2030 with a total length of 688 km, linking Pahang to the Thai border near the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca.
Malaysia, the Chinese government and the Chinese people are eager to work on the East Coast Railway project. Before talking to someone from Malay. ECRL, the abbreviation of the railway line, is condemned by China Communications Constructions Limited (CCCC).
Not only canceled the construction project of the East Coast Railway, but Mahathir Mohammad also announced the cancellation of a high-speed rail project with Singapore
. 659002] Announcing the battle with China Communications Constructions Co., Ltd., I think Dr. Mahathir is leading Malaysia to risk. Because of the income that Malaysia has to support the economic status of its own country. Trade with China. And Chinese tourists are visiting Malaysia, I think Malaysia is not worth it. In addition to not having a high speed train 688 miles to use it to lose money. Mr Nibirat 's government paid over $ 8 billion in advance royalties from CCCC and paid a total of $ 80 billion in baht for a total of $ 160 billion
. Chinese people in the Malaysian race. Do not trade Do not come I believe that one year Malaysia will lose more than several hundred billion, 10 years is more than one trillion. Now, many people are starting to see the bad news of Malaysia as the future can become a difficult country. "Because the Chinese do not take"
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