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Chinese Ambassador Meets Governor of Phuket to Help Flood Victims Phuket urged the Chinese government to accelerate its assistance as quickly as possible.

On July 7 at noon, the Phuket Incident Command Center was set up to help the flood victims in Phuket. Admiral Naris Pratchumsuwan, Commander of the Navy Mr. LAI JIAN, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Thailand, and Mr. Naraphat Pakthong, Governor of Phuket. Mr. Luo Jian, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Thailand, and Mr. Narapat Noontthong, Governor of Phuket. [Actualité] The Thai Ambassador to Thailand, HE Mr. Narapat Noontthong, said that today, the Ambassador of the Republic of China in Thailand and the delegation have had a conversation with them. media. The situation helped the victims of the accident and attracted the attention of the Chinese president. And in the center of the support. The report also said that there were still 18 missing people, who have now gathered relief teams from Thailand and China. I think that today we will find all the measures

. The Ambassador of the People's Republic of China said that the Thai Government has given importance to helping the Chinese people. Victims of Injury and Death As the Chinese President, the need for prompt assistance is paramount. In terms of helping the wounded. Finding a missing person The relatives of the deceased were fully rehabilitated by the Chinese government and sent the relief team to support the Thai government in Phuket. They arrived in Phuket and were ready to do the research. By the following steps. To take urgent measures. Will do everything possible to find the missing person as quickly as possible. He also treats the wounded in medical care. Place the arrangements

M. Lu Jian said the Chinese government would like to thank and thank the Thai government. And Phuket To help Chinese tourists who live this. The Chinese government is ready to fully support the work. The rescue team came to support two teams and work with the Thai team. To achieve the goal as quickly as possible.

however. After the press conference, Mr. Luo Jian and his team traveled to the point where the Phoenix sank at the end of Heather Island, in Phuket, by ship from the 232nd Naval Division III to see the & bateau bateau pour pour pour. location and operation of the officer. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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