Chinese dream I did not get a certificate. Reasons for this – the news


Chinese dream I did not get a certificate.

NEXCH CHINA reported that Li, a university student in Xian, Shaanxi, China, was enrolled in an English degree program. A scholarship program student can now complete Teachers teach in the school immediately. Li started school in 2014. After examining his body before graduating in 2018, Li found that his height did not meet the criteria of being a teacher in Shaanxi


Regulations in Shaanxi Province Male candidates must be at least 155 centimeters tall and female candidates must be at least 150 centimeters tall.

"My hard work for four years at the university has nothing to do with that. My dream is broken. "

Li was very surprised that no one had said this rule to Li before, and wondered why she was allowed to go to the university the first

. Netizens called on Li to become a teacher The Ministry of Education gave Li a special case and also announced that the minimum size limit for teachers has been revoked.

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